Glass plate negatives collection, [ca. 1895-1915.]


Glass plate negatives collection, [ca. 1895-1915.]

At least some of the photographs in the Glass Plate Negatives Collection were taken by Glens Falls photographers Frank M. Taft and F. Beecher Mead. The Glass Plate Negative Collection shows buildings, street scenes, countryside, river and lake views, portraits of individuals and groups, events and other scenes of Glens Falls and Lake George, New York, near the turn of the 20th century. The collection is useful as a record of the business and social life of Glens Falls, and also of recreation on Lake George, including hotels and summer residences located there.

6 cubic feet (20 boxes, ca. 800 photographs)

Related Entities

There are 7 Entities related to this resource.

Crandall Public Library (Glens Falls, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

Collecting of photographs by Crandall Library evidently began through the efforts of Sherman Williams, who was a founder of the New York State Historical Association and an advisor to Henry Crandall. Photographs may have been collected beginning with or near the founding of Crandall Library in 1892. Others who were influential in developing this collection were Robert C. Carter and Arthur S. Fisher. The cataloging and indexing began in the early 1980's through the efforts of Bruce Cole. ...

Hudson Valley Railway (N.Y.) (corporateBody)

Finch, Pruyn and Company, Inc. (Glens Falls, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

Glens Falls Insurance Company (Glens Falls, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

Fort William Henry Hotel (Caldwell, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

Mead, F. Beecher, d. 1941. (person)

Taft, Frank M. (person)